157 research outputs found

    Staggering and Synchronization in Price-Setting: Evidence from Multipro-duct Firms

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    Most of the theoretical literature on price-setting behavior deals with the special case in which only a single price is changed. At the retail-store level, at least, where dozens of products are sold by a single price-setter, price-setting policies are not formulated for individual products. This feature of economic behavior raises a host of questions whose answers carry interesting implications. Are price setters staggered in the timing of price changes? Are price changes of different products synchronized within the store? If so, is this a result of aggregate shocks or of the presence of a store- specific component in the cost of adjusting prices? Can observed small changes in prices be rationalized by a menu cost model? We exploit the multiproduct dimension of the dataset on prices used in Lach and Tsiddon (1992a) to explore several of these and other issues. To the best of our knowledge this is the first empirical work on this subject.

    Organizacja i finansowanie świadczeń opieki długoterminowej w wybranych krajach UE

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    The article presents the issues associated with constructing the system of services related to the risk of persons requiring long-term care. Model solutions for the organization and financing of the system adopted in the Netherlands, Germany and Austria are discussed and then used as a basis for the proposed construction of the long-term care system in Poland.Artykuł przedstawia zagadnienia dotyczące konstruowania systemu świadczeniowego związanego z ryzykiem niesamodzielności (potrzeby długoterminowej opieki). Omówiono w nim modelowe rozwiązania dotyczące organizacji i finansowania systemu przyjęte w Holandii, Niemczech i Austrii, aby na ich tle sfomułować propozycje ukształtowania systemu opieki długoterminowej w Polsce

    Refundacja leków a równy dostęp do świadczeń opieki zdrowotnej

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    The author analyses the rules of reimbursement for medications contained in the Reimbursement Act of 12 May 2011, against the background of the regulations of the Health Act of 27 August 2004, in the context of the constitutional duty to provide citizens with equal access to health care services financed from public funds. He also discusses the dynamics of the performanceof the above duty as an example of actions of the legislature aimed to satisfy the provisions of art. 68.2 of Poland’s Constitution.Przedmiotem opracowania jest przedstawienie zasad dotyczących refundacji leków ustalonych w ustawie refundacyjnej z 12 maja 2011 r. na tle przepisów ustawy zdrowotnej z 27 sierpnia 2004 r. w kontekście konstytucyjnego obowiązku zapewniania obywatelom równego dostępu do świadczeń opieki zdrowotnej finansowanej ze środków publicznych. Pokazano w nim również dynamiczną realizację tego obowiązku jako przykład działania ustawodawcy prowadzącego do urzeczywistnienia zasady z art. 68 ust. 2 Konstytucji RP

    Organizacja i finansowanie świadczeń opieki długoterminowej w wybranych krajach UE

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    Artykuł przedstawia zagadnienia dotyczące konstruowania systemu świadczeniowego związanego z ryzykiem niesamodzielności (potrzeby długoterminowej opieki). Omówiono w nim modelowe rozwiązania dotyczące organizacji i finansowania systemu przyjęte w Holandii, Niemczech i Austrii, aby na ich tle sfomułować propozycje ukształtowania systemu opieki długoterminowej w Polsce

    Die öffentliche Gesundheitsversorgung in Polen

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    "Funktionierende Gesundheitssysteme zählen zu den wichtigsten sozialstaatlichen Errungenschaften. Weil sie weitgehend national organisiert werden, sind Einblicke in ausländische Systeme aufschlussreich: Sie erlauben vor dem Hintergrund der Erfahrungen mit dem eigenen System einen Vergleich von Aufgabenstellungen, institutionellen Ausprägungen und normativen Leitideen. Der Band erschließt deutschen Lesern die in Polen geführten Diskussionen um die Bedeutung verfassungsrechtlicher Vorgaben für die Gesundheitsversorgung, verbunden mit einem ausführlichen Überblick über das bestehende polnische Versorgungssystem. Damit wird erkennbar, was es bedeutet, wenn in Polen und Deutschland einerseits die Gesundheitssysteme unterschiedlich angelegt und die verfassungsrechtlichen Vorgaben unterschiedlich dicht sind, andererseits aber beide Systeme auf vergleichbare und durch europäisches Recht mit geprägte Leitideen gestützt werden.

    Buffers and Duality

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    Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/60252/1/Reprint97Jacobs.pd

    Functional and Material Properties in Nanocatalyst Design: A Data Handling and Sharing Problem

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    (1) Background: Properties and descriptors are two forms of molecular in silico representations. Properties can be further divided into functional, e.g., catalyst or drug activity, and material, e.g., X-ray crystal data. Millions of real measured functional property records are available for drugs or drug candidates in online databases. In contrast, there is not a single database that registers a real conversion, TON or TOF data for catalysts. All of the data are molecular descriptors or material properties, which are mainly of a calculation origin. (2) Results: Here, we explain the reason for this. We reviewed the data handling and sharing problems in the design and discovery of catalyst candidates particularly, material informatics and catalyst design, structural coding, data collection and validation, infrastructure for catalyst design and the online databases for catalyst design. (3) Conclusions: Material design requires a property prediction step. This can only be achieved based on the registered real property measurement. In reality, in catalyst design and discovery, we can observe either a severe functional property deficit or even property famine

    Ru and Ni - privileged metal combination for environmental nanocatalysis

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    Privileged structures is a term that is used in drug design to indicate a fragment that is popular in the population of drugs or drug candidates that are in the application or investigation phases, respectively. Privileged structures are popular motifs because they generate e cient drugs. Similarly, some elements appear to be more e cient and more popular in catalyst design and development. To indicate this fact, we use here a term privileged metal combination. In particular, Ru-based catalysts have paved a bumpy road in a variety of commercial applications from ammonia synthesis to carbon (di)oxide methanation. Here, we review Ru/Ni combinations in order to specifically find applications in environmental nanocatalysis and more specifically in carbon (di)oxide methanation. Synergy, ensemble and the ligand e ect are theoretical foundations that are used to explain the advantages of multicomponent catalysis. The economic e ect is another important issue in blending metal combinations. Low temperature and photocatalytic processes can be indicated as new tendencies in carbon (di)oxide methanation. However, due to economics, future industrial developments of this reaction are still questionable

    How to calculate a maximum heart rate correctly?

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    Maximum heart rate (HRmax) is usually defined as the highest heart rate achieved during maximum physical exertion and depends mainly on age, but also to a lesser extent on other parameters such as: body mass index, body composition, physical capacity, age, gender and the type of exercise test. Measurement of HRmax takes place both in cardiology and in sports during exercise testing. In many situations, it is difficult to determine the maximum heart rate during the test and it becomes necessary to estimate HRmax based on the knowledge of the above-mentioned factor. This paper also presents the methods of carrying out exercise tests and the influence of pharmacotherapy on the results obtained.Maximum heart rate (HRmax) is usually defined as the highest heart rate achieved during maximum physical exertion and depends mainly on age, but also to a lesser extent on other parameters such as: body mass index, body composition, physical capacity, age, gender and the type of exercise test. Measurement of HRmax takes place both in cardiology and in sports during exercise testing. In many situations, it is difficult to determine the maximum heart rate during the test and it becomes necessary to estimate HRmax based on the knowledge of the above-mentioned factor. This paper also presents the methods of carrying out exercise tests and the influence of pharmacotherapy on the results obtained